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SKU: BBM-BRV36FX691 Bad Boy Revolt 36in Kawasaki

Bad Boy Revolt 36in Kawasaki
Purchase Bad Boy Revolt 36in Kawasaki
  • SKU: BBM-BRV36FX691 Bad Boy Revolt 36in Kawasaki

  • $8,435.00


Improved in every way and featuring improved performance, operator ease-of-use and durability. Visibility is improved with new, shorter frame and curved iBeam front fork support. Rear tires are larger and the fuel tank is now located in the center of the machine, with operator standing between rear tires, resulting in a lower center of gravity. It makes the Revolt one of the most maneuverable and balanced Stand-Ons around.


Engine: Kawasaki FX691
CC: 726
Deck Size: 36"
Transmission: 3100 Hydro-Gear
Front Tire Size: 13X6.5-6 SMOOTH
Rear Tire Size: 21X7-10 REAPER
Gross Power: 22